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What is a Shopping Cart?

In the real world, a shopping cart is a metal basket where the items are physically held together by the walls of the basket. Most of the time, you can easily remember which shopping cart is yours based on the particular items in the basket and where you last left it.  On the Web, it is much more complex.

In order to understand how SalesCart works, you must understand what a Internet Shopping Cart is.  Here's our definition.

Internet Shopping Cart software helps you keep track of certain items as they are related to a single purchaser.  In SalesCart, those items can be things you sell or things you give away, like literature or brochures.  Because there are no shopping cart walls like in the "real world", there can literally be thousands of shoppers or thousands of shopping baskets operating simultaneously on your Web site.   In addition, each shopper may be bouncing from one Web page to another selecting products and they would like to check-out once as opposed to once for each item they want to buy.  A web shopping cart ensures particular items that one single computer shopper has selected are not confused with a different shopper even as they bounce from one web page to the next within your web site.

If you need a technical definition, a shopping cart is a complex transaction processing system that tracks a particular client to a particular set of database items on the server.





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